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Conflict Training
We provide conflict resolution training opportunities for local businesses and organizations. Each training may be catered to address the client's particular needs. Through interactive exercises (like role playing), participants are provided space to engage with others in practicing their newly learned skills.
​Topics may include:
> Non-Violent Communication
> Conflict Management Styles
> De-escalating Conflict
> Communication Keys
> Understanding Positions, Interests, and Needs
> Managing Emotions
> Non-Verbal Communication
> Cooperation & Teamwork
Conflict Coaching
Conflict coaching may help equip an individual with a set of skills and strategies to constructively resolve an interpersonal dispute. Conflict coaching may be used if one party in a dispute rejects the opportunity for mediation, no longer allowing mediation to be a plausible option.
​Conflict coaching may help resolve:
> A dispute with a family member
> A dispute with a landlord or tenant
> A dispute with a neighbor
> A dispute with an employer or employee

Mediation is a process involving a trained third-party (mediator), who guides participants through a time of dialogue and decision-making to resolve the dispute.
We have experience successfully mediating:
> Neighborhood disputes
> Landlord/tenant disputes
> Family disputes
> Custody disputes
Role of Mediators
Mediators seek to assist parties in understanding one another and in reaching agreements. They will help the parties identify the issues and interests in need of resolution and encourage the parties to brainstorm solutions.
Mediators Do Not
> Make decisions for you and/or the other person about how your dispute will be resolved.
> Determine who is “right” or “wrong.” There is no value in trying to persuade the mediator of the "merits of your case"
provide legal counsel.

Facilitation seeks to empower groups to reach their desired outcomes through structured dialogue processes.
Our facilitators seek to create space that promotes dialogue, brainstorming, understanding, and empowers decision-making.
Facilitation may be applicable for:
> Annual meetings
> Strategic planning processes
> Business meetings
> Town hall meetings
> Board meetings
> Staff retreats

Youth Peace Workshops
In our workshops, youth in grades K-12 learn and practice constructive conflict resolution skills. Youth Peace Workshops are interactive and provide participants with the space to practice their newly learned skills through role playing and group exercises.
Workshops are a great opportunity for youth clubs and ministries, after school programs, summer camps, and school districts.
> The Nativity School of Harrisburg
> Dauphin County's Summer Enrichment Program
> Dauphin County's Juvenile Probation Office
> World Affairs Council of Harrisburg (co-organizes Peace Club at Nativity School of Harrisburg)
Topics may include:
> Anger Management
> Negotiation
> Conflict Management styles
> Teamwork
> Conflict De-escalation
> Constructive Communication
​“I am 100% satisfied with the results obtained through NDS. It is an outstanding court resource with highly trained individuals, who are obviously very invested in helping the litigants referred to the program.”
— Rebecca J. Margereum, Esq.
Magisterical District Judge
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